Corporate Governance

Nolitha believes corporate governance is central to it’s success. The company is committed to maintaining high standards of governance, ensuring that the company is being managed ethically within prudently determined risk parameters. The company accepts the underlying principles and firm recommendations set out in the King Report on Corporate Governance for South Africa – 2002(King II) and complies with the additional corporate governance requirements by various legislation.


Organisational and personal integrity is one of Nolitha’s core value. The company’s code of business conduct is formally committed to annual review by the directors. The code of conduct is made known to employees through various means and the internal audit function monitors compliance in a systematic manner. Behaviour that undermines the letter and spirit of the code is reported and dealt with as a matter of urgency. Where required, appropriate action is taken to ensure that the reputation of the company is upheld. Nolitha carefully reviews its dealings with other individuals and companies to ascertain their level of commitment to personal and organizational integrity.

Ethical Behaviour Board objectives

Nolitha is committed to a policy that requires ethical behaviour of all its employees in all facets do of their business at all times.. It is the company’s stated intent to demonstrate, commit to and entrench a culture of zero-tolerance to Unethical behaviour it includes bribry, corruption and in facilitation payments and may include certain gifts, hospitality expenses and sponsorships, as well as charitable and political contributions made by the group

Board objectives

The Board is required to annually evaluate its own performance and that of each member of the Board. This is useful as it determines the efficiency and effectiveness of the Board of Directors.

Board objectives

The Board is required to annually evaluate its own performance and that of each member of the Board. This is useful as it determines the efficiency and effectiveness of the Board of Directors.

Health & Safety Policy

The Board of Directors of Nolitha (Pty) Limited recognizes the importance of safety, health and welfare in the successful operation of its activities, and believes in the active participation of every member of the company in order to achieve and maintain the highest practicable standard of accident prevention. Our activities will be conducted paying due regard to all statutory requirements, with appropriate safeguards being instituted to minimize the risk to the health and safety of our employees and the public. The policy sets out how the Company will undertake activities in accordance with relevant legislation, codes of practice, and good working practices. The Directors of the Company will ensure that adequate resources and training are provided to deliver this policy and will monitor the successful implementation.

Environmental Policy

In pursuit of this objective it is the company’s policy to carry out it’s activities in all aspects which are the direct responsibility of the company.Where practicable, minimizing environmental impact relative to the nature and scale of contracted obligations with clients, sub-contractors and suppliers.In ways that minimize and where appropriate within economic constraints, eliminate all forms of pollution and in accordance with relevant environmental legislation and regulations Continually review and strive to improve its environmental performance through it’s commitment to encourage shared objectives with its clients and suppliers, Nolitha (Pty) Ltd will endeavour to reduce the environmental impact of it’s operations. The achievement of these objectives by the company is through it’s commitment to training in communication of environmental management to all its staff and employees.

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