Corporate Governance

Organisational and personal integrity is one of Nolitha’s core value. The company’s code of business conduct is formally committed to annual review by the directors. The code of conduct is made known to employees through various means and the internal audit function monitors compliance in a systematic manner. Behaviour that undermines the letter and spirit of the code is reported and dealt with as a matter of urgency. Where required, appropriate action is taken to ensure that the reputation of the company is upheld.

Ethical Behaviour
Nolitha is committed to a policy that requires ethical behaviour of all its employees in all facets of their business at all times. It is the company’s stated intent to demonstrate, commit to and entrench a culture of zero-tolerance to unethical behavior. Unethical behaviour includes bribry, corruption and facilitation payments and may include certain gifts, hospitality expenses and sponsorships, as well as charitable and political contributions made by the group.