The Board is the focal point of Nolitha’s corporate governance. It determines the purposes, values and strategic direction of the company. It sets strategic objectives, key policies, risk parameters and financial performance criteria. It exercise leadership, enterprise and sound judgement in its quest for continued stakeholder prosperity. The Board delegates the detailed planning and implementation of policy to management, formally reviewing progress on a regular bases. The protection of shareholders’ rights and responsibility to other stakeholders within the constaints of the regulatory environment is of paramount importance in all board decisions Nolitha has a unitary board structure comprising of five executive directors who are all active in the business. They are Stephen Faisal Pillay (CEO), Mrs Amina Pillay, Faizal Pillay (Finance), Waseem Pillay (Technical) and Mrs Fierdouz Essa (Human Resources). All directors are share-holders of the company. The Board meets formally at least once a quarter, or more frequently if necessary, to consider and review matters specifically reserved for its decision. These include financial and operational results, issues of strategic direction, major acquisitions and disposals, approval of major capital expenditure, large construction tenders as well as any other material matters. The Board is required to annually evaluate its own performance and that of each member of the Board. This is useful as it determines the efficiency and effectiveness of the Board of Directors.